OK, OK, it's a fake! But it could have been true. Today, for Valentine's day, the Paris town hall dedicated the 170 electronic billboards of the city to love! All Parisians, willing to show their love to their valentines, have been invited to enter a short message on the Paris Website. These messages will then be broadcasted every 20 seconds, all day long today. I find it clever and fun.
Je suis Americain, et je t'aime, Paris!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could put this on the sign, but I couldn't figure out how to do it! C'est l'amour.
et j'suis anglaise et je l'adore aussi!
ReplyDeleteOnly the French would do this, Eric and it is charmante! I loved looking at the video, very romantic. Ahhh. I'm going to post valentine theme the following day as nothing happens here yet until tomorrow so nothing to see!
Your lettering is just perfectly done; i was convinced and wondered who was doing it for you! lol. Great photo. Happy Valentine's Day, Eric x
What a lovely trick you made Eric, that's really funny!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day, but more important have a lovely day everyday of your life! ;)
Ah, that's too bad we didn't know that ahead of time! ;) But maybe it isn't too late... Do they accept Paypal? Oh well. Maybe next year, the group of PDP commenters will think of doing something kind oflike that for you. You certainly deserve it! :)
ReplyDeleteYou almost got me fooled! Happy heart day to all.
ReplyDeleteI would have TOTALLY believed it if unadvised... cause you're so sweet and cute you certainly deserve it!
ReplyDeleteWell, the sign pretty much says it all doesn't it!
Happy Valentine's day Eric and everybody!!! Beijinhos!!!
Well, I love Eric & Paris Daily Photo - no fake!
ReplyDeleteI'm a Valentine's Day loser. If you are too, I'll be manning the Valentine’s Day Emergency Hotline on Yahoo! IM from 9h - 10h30 PST (find out what I'm talking about here). Feel free to say "Hi."
How clever!
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's day to all of you!
How sweet! Is there a charge for it? I'd like to show my love for "Par ee"!!!
ReplyDeleteFunny. I never noticed any electronic signs last week. Ahhhhh....I was in Paris this time last week....sigh.....
Très bien fait monsieur Eric!
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Saint Valentin à toi!
What a great idea!
ReplyDeletesusan in atl...You wouldn't have seen these personalised signs last week as it's only for Valentine's day, today. I don't think there's a charge for it. At least last year there wasn't.
ReplyDeleteHope V-day is full of good things for everyone here and those celebrating Chinese New Year (starting this weekend?) have a wonderful time with their families and the year of the Pig brings you much luck and happiness.
That's a fake? And here I was thinking lynn went to Paris for Valentine's Day and hijacked a sign somewhere near your home!
ReplyDeleteIn honor of this wonderful holiday I'd like to share my favorite scene from the first series of the incredible BBC show Torchwood. Have a towel nearby, you're probably going to drool. It's about the damned most romantic thing I've ever seen!
Torchwood: Jack&Jack...*le sigh*
Eric, thank you for sharing this! I just checked out the Paris Website. What a fantastic idea! I've recently discovered your blog on http://theboldsoul.com/
ReplyDeleteWow soosha, you really know how to surprise us! Never heard of this movie...
ReplyDeleteT'as raison vieux, on n'est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même !!! Does this mean you feel a bit lonely lately ?…
ReplyDeleteAnyway, a fake ? I believe on the contrary this shot will become a must for most of us.
I like it, too, Soosha. Big thumbs up from my City by the Bay :-D
ReplyDeleteEric..I wouldnt be surprised if it really appears one day:)
ReplyDeleteL'amour c'est mieux copieux !
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's day
et heureuse St Valentin à tous les amoureux ...(de Paris)
ben l'idée est bonne, pour ma part je prepare ce soir au restaurant pour les valentins(e), un parmentier de foie gras, un loup goralliou de légumes emulsions a l'huile d'olive, un pigeon en deux cuissons et pastillas de fruit sec, et en dessert declinaisons sur le ravioles l'un patissiere a la reglisse, l'autre ganache chocolat gingembre coriandre, le dernier patate douce caramelise à la bourbon alors a vos couverts...
ReplyDeleteThat is a good idea. Very Parisian. Happy Love day !
ReplyDeleteLOL Soosh! I'm rumbled then, yes, hands up it was me... i took a flight yesterday, wrapped in my flu duvet with supplies of hot lemon and red, skin-peeling nose which i thought would be of particular attraction to Eric and i put this sign up for him. I am as we speak, sitting in a hotel room in Paris, thermometer sticking out of my mouth, menthol candles alight, coughing in a most ladylike manner waiting for Eric to find me, clad in nothing but tissues and bedsocks. I'm HOT, man, and i mean, hot. I think he should be up for it, don't you? Can't see why not...
ReplyDeleteYes it was a bit of a surprise wasn't it Michael, i certainly didn't see it coming. Was a romantic setting of course but i'm a bit too traditional probably. Give me a sad, pretty girl being chased around the world (in a good way you understand) by a gorgeous, i-can't-live-without-her man desperate to show her his love and devotion any day. Yes i'm of the Sleepless,Bridget,SATC,Notting Hill,You've Got Mail brigade. ...sigh... oh and Brief Encounter! ohhh and Gone with the Wind.. ohh. i really should stop now.
ReplyDeleteTerra Vecchia : Waouh ! quel programme ! Tu sais que tu nous donnes sérieusement envie d'arrêter de "bouffer de la saucisse" ;o)) avec un menu pareil !!! Franchement dans ce que tu proposes, y a rien à jeter. Une question : goralliou c'est quoi ?
ReplyDeleteHappy Hearts Day....we'll be seeing you soon. I still haven't packed. It is 12o F. here and raining for the last few days.
Will hate not being able to see you.
Soosha, Thanks for the link.
Very funny!
ReplyDeleteLynn you're so creative!!! lol we can't blame Soosha though, she said out loud what we were all thinking: that sign is sooooo Lynn!!!
ReplyDeleteI can'nt believe you still have that cold, poor you. Hey, I'll be a member of your brigade anyday, and my I add to it the movie Paris Je T'aime (how do I put a link here??) Did anybody see it last year? I don't need to say it was made for Paris lovers like us all.
Susan, I'd really like to hear how was your stay in Paris. I hear you stayed in an apartment instead of a hotel? Trés chic!
ReplyDelete..I'm trying but really can't figure it out... how to I put a link to another site here???
ReplyDeleteRecommend you all look at the vids at Eric's link, it's touching, romantic and sometimes even a little creepy and squirmy it has to be said! I like No. 7 but No. 8 looks like he's saying it only because he has a gun pointed at his head. I also notice that most of the men don't name their lover, simply saying Mon Amour. Hmm. I see. Clever. One size fits all.
ReplyDeleteoops, I meant, how DO I put a link to another site here? Who can help me?!
ReplyDeleteMonica i'd love to know that too, i wish there was a simple way.
ReplyDeleteCe peut être un compliment à vous-même, mais il est approprié, et nous tous convenons complètement, Monsieur !
ReplyDeleteMichael (and anyone else who doesn't know and wants to):
ReplyDeleteTorchwood is a television show, spinoff of the new BBC Doctor Who show, that's about in it's 3rd season/series (for those Brits that just have to have a different word for everything! :oP) They're both great shows, but since Torchwood has a later timeslot it's more risque then Doctor Who, so there's lots of..."loving" going on. Traditional for you, lynn, and non-traditional for others who don't mind.
lynn: Sorry to hear you're still flu ridden. You need some extra super strength Nyquil. That does it for me everytime. You'll fall asleep within 2 minutes of taking it, your dreams will be extra unusual, and after the medicine will go to work while you're asleep!
eric: I had a dream about you last night! (Totally innocent, I swear. I'm just so psyched about getting my new camera today! ...assuming our 4" of snow doesn't send panic up in the local mail rooms and we just don't get mail today.) Anyway, you and a couple others were visiting St. Louis for some big international blogging event or other and we all met up for lunch or something like that. It was nice, I hope something similar happens for real someday soon.
So sorry for the big posting here, I'm a bit sleep deprived, so I'm rambling.
so well done photoshop! are you sure it is fake ;) ?!
ReplyDeleteThanks Soosh, that does sound effective but i'm the sort for whom two aspirin is pushing it. Your thing would see me asleep for a week. I hope to shake the blasted thing soon; feel bit better today. If i don't, i was very fond of lillies. White. lol.
ReplyDeleteMonica; thanks! Consider yourself a paid up member of the slushy chick flick lynn society and we'll add the Paris one, since i've not seen it and am now dying to.
Sooo Lynn huh? Gosh my admiration for Eric is well known is it.
So much for his, though. He hasn't turned up yet, I've changed into my pink fluffy bedsocks now for the occasion and have on my chest a rather fetching .. hot water bottle...i've also been whiling away the time having er .. room service (he was very good looking too, a rather dashing garcon who offered to rub some menthol into my back... did i let him? ssshhh I couldn't possibly say - just don't mention it to Eric). I have a view of the eiffel tower and every so often i walk onto the balcony sans duvet, admire the view for a few seconds and then scuttle inside again just for the hell of it (I'm told the blast of fresh Paris air; it's very beneficial for the skin). That'll show Eric. Pah! Keeping me waiting... mutter mutter...
Be warned, Eric there is only one pair of bedsocks left to use. Don't make me USE them. lol
(dear God what has this flu done to me)
ReplyDeletetoday I had a great surprise from my boyfriend who send me flowers from 2,000 miles! Sorry that we are apart, but this surprise made me very happy!
Happy St Valentine's
Soosha - Where do you get to view Torchwood? Do you have BBC on your cable system? I got so curious about that video clip that I looked up Torchwood (I am familiar with Dr. Who, but only marginally because my boyfriend is a fan), and wrote a blog entry on the whole issue of "pansexuality" that will be posted on my blog tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGreat post today, Eric. I love PDP and you too (but it seems that Lynn has first dibs...) :o)
Again, Happy Valentine's day everyone!
terra-vecchia: j'arrive, j'arrive !!!
ReplyDeleteA good idea :) I hope all the loved ones can be in the right place at the right time. Happy Valentines Day from Quito!
elisabeth: I love You Tube.
ReplyDeleteI will be spending the evening of St. Valentine's Day in a planning commission meeting getting snarled at by a landowner, a developer who wants to buy the property, and his attorney. Ah, the things I do to serve the public. I'll raise a toast to you all when I get home.
ReplyDeleteFelicitations a tous le monde. Bisous!
Lynn, since I got NO help in learning how to put a link here, here´s the best I can do:
Check this and you´ll know what the movie "Paris Je t´aime" is about. To give a hint, it´s a movie where 20 different directors from various nationalities (Brazil´s Walter Salles included) gave their view of the city filming a 5 minute long story each. And it works! Most of the short stories are touching, or funny, or surprising or, of course, romantic! The one filmed in Pere Lachaise and the one called ´14th arrondissement´ are my favourite, oh and also the one in Tuileries metro with Stevie Buscemi, from the Cohen brothers. Hilarious.
If you guys didn´t see it, check it out!
ReplyDeleteMonica i found it on You Tube.
and Eric, here´s a word for you I just learnt today and thought was very à propos de Valentine; merci mon chou for the daily drops of joy!!!
ReplyDeleteLynn: great! hope you´ll enjoy it!
Just started to pack. Does anyone remember the name of the journalist that got shot and killed by his mistress' husband? His grave is in Pere lechaise and he shows something well shined. I can't remember his name.
ReplyDeleteno it's just a clip unfortunately but i am determined to see it somehow.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day, Everyone!
ReplyDeleteWow, I thought a Parisian fan of Eric's had really gotten busy... It looks so real!
J'adore Paris...
Oh, Paris "...I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart." (merci e.e. cummings)
XO, XO, XO, Eric!
ReplyDeleteParis was fabulous! Got so lucky with the weather too! It was 50 degrees F almost every day and several days were beautiful blue skies, no clouds, with very little wind (now THAT doesn't sound like Paris)! Just got really lucky with the weather! Not enough time...but isn't that always the case? There is so much to see and do that you really need at least two weeks....oh, what the hell, a month sounds better!
Eric, after I saw this picture, I saw one myself and took a photo!
ReplyDeleteI posted it on my blog :-) http://nahaltav.blogspot.com
Bonne fete!
awwww, eric thanks for the link once again. I loved watching those cute little videos.
ReplyDeleteI wish I was in love!!! lol
Happy Valentines Day to everyone!!
For me it's true, 'cos I love PDP
Happy St Valentine's Day!
Johnny i know exactly what you mean but just cannot remember the name i'm so sorry. I've tried searching for various phrases but it's not come up (er pardon the pun).
ReplyDeleteSusan, good to know all went well. I was wondering if staying in an apartment in Paris isn't much much more expensive than staying in a hotel? I wish I could stay in an authentic parisian apartment the next time I go, but I 'm sure it's very expensive, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteNahal, glad for the photo link, very illustrative!
JohnnyParsons: his name is Victor Noir. Good Luck.
JohnnyParsons: his name is Victor Noir. Good Luck.
Johnnyparsons. You should find the grave in area 92. I checked Wikipedia and they give a short history of hiss death, but not the one that most people know about him.
I wish I could stay in an authentic parisian apartment the next time I go, but I 'm sure it's very expensive, isn't it?>>
ReplyDeleteDunno, Monica. But myself and my friends have used untours.com many time with very satisfactory results.
Ujima in snowy but beautiful Philadelphia
WOW!!! I guess I'm like many others...I fell for it!! When I clicked on, my heart jumped! I was thinking "That is sooooooo cool"!!..."Who did that"???
ReplyDeleteThen reality sunk in....but the reality is WE DO LOVE PARIS DAILY PHOTO...and bien sur...the Creator!!..Monsieur Eric!! Happy St Valentine to ALL!!!
Thanks Ujima!
ReplyDeleteRegarding apartments, the one I rented last year was much cheaper than a hotel and you shop the markets and cook and eat in your apartment. That saves a lot of money. You're also in the neigborhood, so it's a gas. There are a lot of them with great information on the internet. Minimum stay is a week, so short visits won't work. Ah, well, this year I'll stay in a hotel near le Jardin du Luxembourg and maybe Monsieur Spirit of Paris will honor me with a history tour of the Latin Quarter.
ReplyDeletehappy Valentine's Day Eric ;)
ReplyDeleteis it Hôtel de l Observatoire Luxembourg by any chance? I'll have to compare prices to find the best deal. As for cooking... maybe I'm better off staying in a hotel!! :-)
ReplyDelete¸.•´¸.•♥¨) ¸.•♥¨)
(¸.•Joyeux´ (¸.•Saint Valentin!¸.•♥´)
Oooh Aisha that's so pretty!
ReplyDeleteWell of course i've been in UK all the time, Soosh and Monica, still we had a giggle didn't we.
Eric your sign caused quite a stir, i still don't know how you managed to get it so convincingly accurate in Photoshop. Very good indeed. There SHOULD be a sign in Paree extolling the virtues of PDP for sure!
Wow it's 2 o'clock I MUST go to bed and I just saw you posted 68 comments?! No way I'll start answering this at this time... I'll try to catch up tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteYou're too popular, that's your trouble, Eric. Everyone wants a piece of you! How's the book idea coming on? Perhaps you could retire on the proceeds.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Anon, for the info. I just couldn't remember his name even though he was well discussed on PDP. Lynn, you crack me up daily. Victor Noir, victor noir, I must remember. We'll see Juliette Greco and Jean Piat this weekend in Paris. Hopefully, the new Piaf film, also. Wish me luck!
ReplyDeleteWe Love Eric and Paris Daily Photo too!
ReplyDeleteFake or not, it echoes the sentiments of your many friends around the globe. This is fun, and back atcha for real!
No it's not Fake...it's a fact!!
ReplyDeleteWe love ERIC & PARIS DAILY PHOTO!!
Keep going!!
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